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Posted on Wednesday September 30, 2020

Jack Kerouac said,” Indifference is a crime.” In a work setting, an indifferent person will do the minimum amount of work or disregards essential parts of his job. The litmus test is if you are picking up tasks that a person working for you should be doing, you are being cheated.  You shouldn’t have to … Continue reading "Indifference"

Truth or Myth?

Posted on Thursday September 24, 2020

Can there be total objectivity of truth or is it a myth? I believe total objectivity is something I have never encountered and I bet neither have you. Interpretations get skewed and often twisted because of our own biases, filters, and experiences. Just ask me about the New England Patriots. Since I am a life … Continue reading "Truth or Myth?"

Your Body’s Job

Posted on Thursday September 24, 2020

Talk about hard work!It is estimated your body has 37.2 trillion cells. Each second cells are created and destroyed in your body. About 300 million cells die every minute in our bodies and must be replaced. To be precise 50,000 cells in your body died and were replaced by new ones while you were reading … Continue reading "Your Body’s Job"

Posted on Thursday September 24, 2020

Sign in with GoogleNot you? Sign in or create an account 6 Psychological Reasons Why You Take Things Too Personally #1: You’re a social perfectionist Nick WignallFollowSep 14 · 8 min read If you struggle with taking things personally, you’ve probably heard the standard advice: Just don’t let him get to you so much! Stop being so hard on yourself. I’m … Continue reading ""

Larisa easy habits to follow.

Posted on Saturday September 19, 2020

9 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year How small actions lead to big results. Larisa AndrasFollowAug 14 · 6 min read “Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.” — James Clear, Atomic Habits To reach your goals, you need a system. You … Continue reading "Larisa easy habits to follow."

Get connected

Posted on Wednesday September 16, 2020

How To Make Any Person Open Up and Feel Deeply Connected to You Everything I learned from analyzing my relationships for 6 months Julia HorvathFollowOct 22, 2019 · 18 min read “Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr. How good is your ability to open … Continue reading "Get connected"

Is there a Science Behind Curiosity?

Posted on Tuesday September 15, 2020

Does curiosity cause self discovery? My self development course and your success is created to allow you to be curious.Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.” You can be too, he was motivated to see how things worked and were related. It all starts with questions like: What would … Continue reading "Is there a Science Behind Curiosity?"

From the Academy

Posted on Tuesday September 15, 2020

Good Morning ,I read a blog today, I thought it was worth sharing, especially during these times. Please let me know if you like this article.John Haltiwanger mentions in one of his articles, being able to laugh at yourself is a sign of mental toughness. Also, as Mark Twain once said,“The human race has only … Continue reading "From the Academy"

New Offering

Posted on Friday September 04, 2020

You might be entered in finding out more about this academy. Please contact me.

Altered Morality

Posted on Saturday August 29, 2020

Somewhere smart people are planning your future, but is it a future you will like? Dr. Matthew Fenton Photo

Did they Learn from the Past?

Posted on Sunday August 23, 2020

Every year Masada 2 characters get a little older and maybe wiser. It is up to my readers to determine if they have. In many ways their destiny in your hands.“ I know who I “was” when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” ― … Continue reading "Did they Learn from the Past?"


Posted on Saturday August 22, 2020

Every second that’s ever been, or ever will be, in the future is gone the instant it’s begun. So life is a scale of gains and losses. The secret of happiness is to learn to love your gains more than you mourn your losses.

Check out my Youtube Videos

Posted on Sunday August 09, 2020

At Zevgoldmanweiner

From my upcoming book.

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2020

“The eyes, not the words are the window to a person’s intent.” Zev Goldman Weiner 2020

NewLogo: New Opportunity

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2020

My name is Dr. Zev Goldman Weiner The author of The Masada 2 adventure series. Currently, there are 5 books in the series and a fifth one is getting ready for publication. If you are like me the reason we love thrillers is that it validates values that we, need to keep telling ourselves. We … Continue reading "NewLogo: New Opportunity"

Exciting News to Come

Posted on Tuesday July 21, 2020

Keep tuned and watch my blogs.

New day

Posted on Monday June 22, 2020

Can you see me?

Posted on Sunday June 21, 2020

How are you all

No Chicken little in Me

Posted on Sunday May 12, 2019

Either the sky is falling or it isn’t. I’m not a sceptic in the sense that I do think the world is changing. But I also know for a fact that it has been changing forms as long as I have existed. So while there are different graphs showing different things, let’s face it we do not … Continue reading "No Chicken little in Me"

It has been awhile

Posted on Thursday May 09, 2019

Things have looked like a post-apocalyptic landscape of horror and despair to my characters in Laundered souls.

When the Truth Hits You in the Face Don’t Duck

Posted on Sunday April 07, 2019

Albert was confused and he sought Frank out,” Frank do you have a moment, I am dumbfounded, it’s amazing how often the leading lights of Masada 2 become obsessed with sensationally trivial things.” Frank replied carefully, “Let me just stick a pin your naive thoughts, If you’re not sure how your values align with those … Continue reading "When the Truth Hits You in the Face Don’t Duck"

More Frank

Posted on Sunday April 07, 2019

Don’t think these think the Iranians have a lot of big things to talk about they don’t, but the Judges do. The Judges understand American’s preoccupations of the far right/radical right/whatever the free-speech snowflakes are demanding to be called this week. They use the clash of civilizations to their advantage; their thinking is kind of … Continue reading "More Frank"

Frank’s thought

Posted on Sunday April 07, 2019

“I try to make my characters moving and to be poetic. “ I like to think I help the people I eliminated take a special elevator to hell people like Wang.”

From Laundered souls

Posted on Saturday April 06, 2019

Your eyes chronicled and recorded and left an imprint of the many faces, back streets, loses and wins; they are not relics of your past bulldozed into some empty pit they are who you are.

The Ethics of Kinsea (A card game for children 10 to adult)

Posted on Monday May 28, 2018

Originally posted on Tales Of Kinsea:
This card game is something the entire family can play together. Parents and teachers can use the game as a tool to impart valuable knowledge to their children and students. It is designed to use ethical questions constructed by people in many psychological and ethical fields. The game encourages…

The Ethics of Kinsea (A card game for children 10 to adult)

Posted on Monday May 28, 2018

via The Ethics of Kinsea (A card game for children 10 to adult)

New Characters in The Clouded Mirror

Posted on Friday March 02, 2018

Enjoy, Flex: Felix believes he can control his substance use, but he suffers from a classic masculine gender role stress or (MGRS);  a man who are highly committed to the male role and he believes everything revolves around him and he can justify any of his actions even drug addiction. Marcos: is a modern Renaissance … Continue reading "New Characters in The Clouded Mirror"

A sneak peak

Posted on Thursday March 01, 2018

Chapter : The Nazi’s of Punta Del Este, Uruguay Hun met with his business associates in a small museum 700 meters from the pier. The museum had a number of interesting collections of metrological instruments and old navigation charts, but none of them interested the group. Hun knew the Uruguayan Germans found it distasteful having … Continue reading "A sneak peak"

Hi Mystery Readers

Posted on Thursday March 01, 2018

I wanted to give you a preview of my upcoming two set novel “Demon in The Dakotas” and  The Clouded Mirror in the Masada 2 series. Along with some of the familiar characters, I will be introducing some new characters I think you will enjoy. Sample passage from the book Chapter A Nightmare Walks Wang … Continue reading "Hi Mystery Readers"

Masada 2

Posted on Sunday August 07, 2016

Zev Goldman Weiner brings you the adventures of top spy Aaron Weber through the world of terrorism, violence, secrets, passion, and treachery in INTERVENTION FOR FRACTURED SOULS and THE PROPHET’S DAGGER. NOW AVAILABLE: Trouble continues to brew for Masada 2, and Israel’s most secret agency will need the help of Aaron’s star student and handpicked … Continue reading "Masada 2"


Posted on Saturday August 06, 2016

To all thrill seekers. Jump into the adventures of Dov and Aaron.